Finding Love in the Mother City 1

Where do I start talking about finding love? Yet alone in one of the most vibrant and culturally rich cities in Africa? Coming from a much smaller place – Durban, where everyone is laid back and always seem to be on a “Go Slow”, I have found the transition to be rather difficult.Table Mountain Finding Love in the Mother City Gay Life

I have been here now for all of but three months, and made all of but one friend. So how does one attempt to find love in the city without being consumed by the seductive and erotic nature of the gay community and not swallowed by the drug and orgy scene? Maybe I am asking for too much too soon.

When I stayed in Durban it was unknown in the gay community to even consider dating someone older than you. However I have had a slight paradigm shift whilst being here in Cape Town. I am finding the older men attractive, and not primarily because of their more mature physical attributes, but rather because of their experience, their lack of naivety and their ”togetherness”.

I’m twenty-two and my age preference was no more than five years older. However I have shifted that to 10-12 years. I don’t even know what to think of this myself. Any advice from you beautiful people?

From KD

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